
Insecurities under the skin

Going through my blog I seem to be wearing less and less clothes as time progresses. It's not intentional, but at the same time it feels good since I've always been a shy person. So many girls post half naked pictures of themselves just to get validation when they feel lousy, and that is very sad. I validate myself by daring to show my body, and I don't care what other people think. If they like it, fine, it they don't they don't have to watch.

Tom is a photographer by that way, even if he doesn't like to be called that. He's taken most of my pictures lately, but he never lets me take any of him. Another crack in the armor maybe? Either way I like it when he demonstrates those human qualities, his little insecurities are just spots on a shiny fabric, nothing to be sad about. He's a very healthy person, and he makes me feel like one too.


  1. I really love your photos! and you're so right about people who don't like the pictures :)
    kisses from the bottom of the sea

  2. Aww, you look so delicate in these. They're lovely.

  3. You look like one of those painted angels from old paintings. Fragile and beautiful...except you need wings! Lovely indeed :)
    All my support,
    <3 A Fragile Heart

  4. tell TOM he is a very imaginative photographer
    love the outcome and love what u wrote! <3

  5. wonderful pictures! u have a new follower, hope u follow me back?:)

  6. Where are your guy readers, Ms. Essere? Their silence must mean they've nominated me to speak for them (except for Tom, of course).

    We guys are all in favor of your wearing less and less clothing.

    You may consider that as validation for whatever reason is appealing to you.

  7. Thank-you for stopping by my blog and leaving a lovely comment! :) These photos are so lovely and dreamy!


  8. Interesting article although I feel that even those girls who do wear very little still have insecurities or problems of their own. They are screaming out for attention and their layers of slap and fake tan our their coats of armour. I don’t think anyone will ever be totally satisfied with themselves. We just have to accept that and somehow grow to love ourselves.

  9. Wow amazing photos ! sooo soft...

  10. Thank you :)You look so delicate here! Beautiful !

  11. really lovely photos and i am happy to hear that the validation comes from within, that is where validation needs to come from, no one else but ourselves.

    xx rae


  12. You're brave for doing this, but you have nothing to worry about. You have a gorgeous bod, and the pictures on this blog are amazing. It's good you don't care what people think, because most people are idiots anyway.

    May the force be with you.

  13. Well, in previous post you mentioned that Tom brought up something in you. I think you can do that too. Maybe he turns all bold after a while. On a side note, i like how you validate yourself.


  14. Beautiful pictures! And I absolutely love your attitude. Everyone should be able to wear what they want without fear of judgement (:
    Also I'm super excited to follow you and I hope you'll return the favor so we can stay in touch! Love all the stories.

    xx Amber

  15. so great pictures..good job!
    ps great blog xxx

  16. Lovely pictures!
